integrative health practitioner here to guide you to better understand your body and feel your best!
my whole life i struggled with painful stomach aches, extreme bloating, severe acne, and terrible PMS. as a teenager, i gained a lot of weight from stress and a poor diet, and thereafter, began chronically dieting and developed an eating disorder which lasted for a couple of years.
my journey
i allowed my negative thoughts towards myself dictate my relationship with food.
i thought that food was my worst enemy, when in reality, it’s what saved me. once i began fixing my relationship with food, i fell in love with learning everything i could about it. i got married , and soon began experimenting with my own grocery lists, recipes, and routines. this led me to get certified as an integrative health practitioner and nutrition coach.
the past vs. now
my health, body, mentality, and relationship with food looks complelty different now. i have fallen in love with holistic health and am always looking for ways to go back to my human roots when it comes to nutrition and wellness. this is why i created manna nutrition & wellness. so many people i know can relate to my story, and i want to use my experiences, as well as my knowledge, to help others understand how to nourish their body to the best of their abilities.
at manna, we believe that everything we need to nourish ourselves has been given to us straight from the Creator.
He has blessed us with incredible gifts like the sun, food, water, community, and the ability to move our bodies in order to take care of our temple and glorify Him as best we can.
if you have a similar story to mine, be sure to explore my free to heal program— where we learn how to take care of our minds and bodies, and ultimately restore our relationship with ourselves.
to Him be all the glory .